STI’s Admissions staff recently participated in career fairs at Southeastern Regional Vocational Technical High School in Easton and South Shore Vocational Technical High School in Hanover. These are always a great opportunity to engage students and present STI’s adult education career programs, especially to those who didn’t get the shop of their choice in high school, or, for those who may be rethinking the career path they have been studying and want to pursue a different avenue.
These events also help students develop their interpersonal and communication skills as well as self-confidence. It’s a time for them to put their best foot forward and to be prepared to share a little bit about themselves. Rhonda Jermyn, STI Admissions Advisor, makes it a point to always tell students that it’s perfectly natural to be unsure of what you want to do after high school. What is important is to become aware of the opportunities and choices that exist after graduation and to be open to ideas, whether that be a two or four year school, employment, or a post-secondary technical school like STI.