The Dental Assisting Program awards scholarships each year to outstanding students.
Dr. Guidoboni Scholarship:
This scholarship is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Richard Guidoboni D.M.D. Dr. Guidoboni was the founder and instructor of the Technical Institute Dental Assisting Program. In appreciation for the many years of service he provided, The Technical Institute Dental Assisting Lab was dedicated in his name. It was Dr. Guidoboni’s wish to pass on his love for education and for the dental profession to the students who followed in his footsteps. Congratulations to Katherine Lewis, the 2020 recipient of the Dr. Guidoboni Scholarship.
Dr. John Veale & Dr. Peter Veale Scholarship:
The Dr. John Veale & Dr. Peter Veale Scholarship is graciously donated annually by Dr. Peter Veale and Dr. John Veale of Veale – Veale Comprehensive Dentistry. Drs. Veale & Veale have long supported STI’s Dental Assisting Program by participating in the clinical externship program and as members of our Advisory Board. Congratulations to Katherine Lewis, Gabrielle Palmeria, Jessica Rebeiro and Julia Rodier the 2020 recipients of the Dr. John Veale and Dr. Peter Veal Scholarship!