Donahue Jabouin, Dental Assisting, Class of 2020, was recognized last week at graduation as the 2020 Recipient of the Southeastern Regional School Foundation Scholarship. Donahue was nominated by the faculty and staff of the Dental Assisting Program, along with many other students in STI’s Class of 2020. Congratulations Donahue!
Donahue is a courageous, independent, and driven young man, with a strong desire to achieve success as an expanded functions dental assistant.
Donahue entered the Dental Assisting Program this past fall with an unprecedented level of excitement and passion. In a very short time frame, he moved to this country from Haiti with the intention of making a better life for himself. Traveling here without any family members and facing a language barrier, has made Donahue an assiduous individual with a strong will to succeed. Throughout the year, he has maintained a full-time job, and has been a consistent academic achiever in his classes. Donahue demonstrates his high regard for success in the Dental Assisting Program with his strong work ethic, his approachability, his willingness to help others, and most importantly, his appreciation for his education. He has a kind and soft-spoken manner, and offers a compassionate personality when working with others. He is professional, compassionate, and committed to his education and future career in dental assisting.
The Southeastern Regional School Foundation is a 503(c)(3) non-profit organization created to support the students of Southeastern Regional Vocational Technical High School and Southeastern Technical Institute post-secondary adult education. Thank you to the community members, alumni, faculty, staff and other individuals that have contributed to the Foundation to make these scholarships possible. Show your support to Southeastern with your online ordering through Amazon! Go to to select Southeastern Regional School Foundation Inc as your charity proceeds or send a donation to the school.