From March 23rd – 25th, 2018, three STI faculty members attended the Massachusetts Vocational Association’s 88th Annual Convention at the Renaissance Hotel, Patriot Place, Foxboro.
Carol Miller, MS, RN, of the Practical Nurse Program, Jill Ferris, CDA, RDH, AS, from the Dental Assisting Program and Susan Beer, M.Ed., CMA, Director of the Medical Assisting Program, attended the convention. In addition to presenting information about Southeastern Technical Institute’s many post-secondary programs, the faculty participated in several professional development seminars offered during the Saturday conference. The workshops included Chapter 74 updates, Teacher Best Practices, Vocational Licensure and Degree Advancement, and Professional Development. The conference provides educators with opportunities to network with others from around the Commonwealth and to share ideas in an effort to improve the educational experiences of our students.
Governor Charlie Baker attended the Convention’s Banquet on Saturday, March 24th. He was presented with the Harold Pride Award for his commitment to Career Technical Education (CTE). Southeastern’s own Superintendent, Mr. Luis Lopes, introduced Medical Assisting student Alicia Vye as she received her award for Outstanding Post-Secondary Vocational Technical Student.
The Massachusetts Vocational Association is a non-profit organization. Membership consists of individuals working in the state of Massachusetts and is available to anyone who would like to support and preserve Vocational/Technical and Career Education at both secondary and post-secondary levels. The majority of our members are educators and also includes administrators, industry leaders, parents, retirees, school committee members, and support personnel associated with vocational/technical and career education. You can learn more online at