On Tuesday evening, February 6th, STI held the Institutional Advisory Committee meeting. Board Members, staff, and faculty met to review 2017 and to discuss the 2018-2020 Strategic Plan for the Institute. Southeastern Technical Institute has identified five goals or focus areas that include admissions, building infrastructure, new program development, accreditation, and student support.
Advisory Committees are essential to keep vocational-technical education in tune with occupational trends. Program Advisory Committees benefit individual programs by advising on equipment and facility needs, providing input on curriculum, and more importantly, providing a much-needed connection to industry. The Institutional Advisory Committee provides guidance and direction to the Technical Institute as a whole by assisting with long-range planning and direction. Whether Program or Institutional, both advisory committees play an important role in advocating for vocational-technical education within the industry and the community.
We welcome the addition of new participants at any time! Program Advisory Committee members are knowledgeable in the field, and may be employers, alumni, educators, vendor representatives, or hiring professionals.
Please consider joining one of our programs’ committees: Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Dental Assisting, Electricity, Heating, Air Conditioning, & Refrigeration (HVAC), Medical Assisting, Plumbing, and Practical Nurse. Weekday meetings take place at STI twice a year (fall and spring). The meeting runs for approximately 1 – 1.5 hours which includes a lunch or early evening dinner. If interested, please contact us at 508-230-1297.