There’s Never Been a Better Time to Become a Dental Assistant!
In Massachusetts, the number of licensed dental assistants to doctors is 1.25:1. Employment of dental assistants is projected to grow 11 percent from 2020 to 2030, faster than the average for all occupations. Dental assistants have many tasks, including direct patient...
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Whitman-Hanson Career Fair Helps Students Discover Options for The Future
STI has been participating each year in this well organized career fair that is coordinated by the Whitman-Hanson guidance department. It's open to all grades, 9th - 12th, and is a voluntary event that students sign up to attend. Its purpose is to provide them the...

Students from Brockton and Norton High School Share Their Dual Enrollment Stories!
In January 2018, the first Dual Enrollment students started in STI's Adult Cosmetology Program. Both students, who were seniors in high school at the time, were referred by their Guidance Counselors. Kari, who had lost a close friend at the age of 13, wanted to do...

Cosmetology Happenings
Every Halloween the STI Cosmetology students compete in a fun and creative costume contest. The students work together in pairs to design an innovative hairstyle along with a make-up application. Each student then votes on who has the best look and the winners (those...

Fall Advisory Board Meeting
On Monday evening, November 5th, STI Director Patricia Illsley hosted and led the first advisory meeting for the 2018/2019 academic year. Seven programs were represented with employers, faculty, alumni and current students. This inclusive format provided attendees...

Meet the Newest Members of the STI Team!
We'd like to welcome our new staff members: Angelica Corcoran, Dental Assisting Angelica Corcoran, RDH, BS, PHDH, has more than 19 years of experience in dentistry, merging incredible technical knowledge and clinical skill set with her natural sensibilities of...
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