New Evening Vocational Supervisor Joins STI Staff
We'd like to welcome Nelia Braga to the Technical Institute team! Nelia is a graduate of Suffolk University and began her career path in education (without realizing it) tutoring fellow classmates in design while working in college. She was first employed with an...
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FAQ Medical Assisting Program
What is the Definition of a Medical Assistant? According to the Medical Assisting Education Review Board, Medical Assistants are multiskilled health professionals specifically educated to work in ambulatory settings (physician's office, clinics, outpatient)...
Connecting Students With Community and Post-Secondary Opportunities
Each year STI Admissions hosts a table at the Attleboro High School Opportunities Fair. This event is extremely well organized and well attended! The Attleboro School-to-Career Partnership coordinates the fair which allows current seniors and juniors to explore...
Great Turnout for the 3rd Annual MHS Career Fair
The weather certainly cooperated on Thursday evening, March 15th, for Mansfield to hold their annual career fair. The purpose of this event is to provide Mansfield High School students the opportunity to explore hands-on careers and skilled trades. The invitation was...
College and Career Panel for East Bridgewater HS Juniors
On February 28th, STI Admissions participated in a college and career event for the class of 2019 at East Bridgewater High School. Several higher education representatives spoke as well as a member of The National Guard. Topics included: Finding the Right Fit The...
Norton Resident Wins Massachusetts Vocational Association Post-Secondary Award
Alicia Vye of Norton has been named the 2018 Massachusetts Vocational Association’s outstanding Post-Secondary Vocational Technical Student. Ms. Vye, enrolled in the Medical Assisting Program at Southeastern Technical Institute, will graduate with her post-secondary...
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